Who is the manufacturer of the standing desks UberDesk in Europe?


Who is the manufacturer of the standing desks UberDesk in Europe?

The activity of the standing desks with the UberDesk brand started back in 2015 as part of the company VESPA VP EOOD, Pleven, Bulgaria, before BULDESK company was created by the founder Tsvetomir Pantaleev. The BULDESK company nowadays is the manufacturer of UberDesk standing desks.

2015 marked the beginning of the excellent long-term partnership between VESPA VP and LINAK Denmark. The latter are the world’s leading manufacturer of mechanisms for electric desks and are known for the exceptionally good quality of their products and service. They are also the first to create the linear column for the standing desk and hold the most patents in their industry.

The UberDesk desks are made using Linak mechanisms from Denmark, and other parts such as feet, frames, cable channels, worktops, etc. are made on site. The entire office was staffed in Bulgaria.

UberDesk quickly established itself as a leading brand in Bulgaria and Europe and became familiar with the overall practice of furnishing the highest class offices in the country and abroad.

In 2019, the new company BULDESK was established with a complete separation and expansion of the activity. A new warehouse was built with a capacity of over 800 electrical desks and accessories. Productivity increased by +3000 desks per year.


Today, the BULDESK company has thousands of customers in the country and Europe, famous with the high quality of its products and the reliable warranty and service over the years. It has an excellent partnership with many companies, including companies such as FedEx, with which fast shipments can be sent throughout Europe.

BULDESK and UberDesk Customers

The BULDESK company will continue to supply you with UberDesk standing desks for a long time and delight its customers with impeccable quality and a high level of service.

Tsvetomir Pantaleev general manager of BULDESK and UberDesk
Tsvetomir Pantaleev, founder of BULDESK

Common problems of cheap standing desks of unknown origin.

Common problems of cheap standing desks of unknown origin.

Seven years ago in Europe there weren’t many options for clients interested to buy electric height-adjustable desks as the suppliers were few. This has changed over time. Currently, if we search the Internet, we will find so many options that one can find it hard and confusing to make a choice.

Quality electric height-adjustable desks are several times pricier than the regular desks and their price is one-time higher than that of the cheap unquality ones. Тhis is forcing Bulgarian suppliers to look for a most budgetary possible option, regardless of all disadvantages related to their quality. Quite normally, there are now hundreds of modifications of electric standing desks of questionable quality available on the market.

This article describes the most common problems with cheap standing desks and why buying those is not worth the investment. Some of the reasons to avoid buying cheap electric standing desks are quality of the electronics, quality of gear system, sync between the dual motors, maintenance of constant speed of movement, excessive use of lubricants such as grease, limited warranty duration and terms.

1. Quality of the electronics.

Electronics is one of the first areas where manufacturers look to cut costs. To achieve cost reduction, they use circuit boards, which are also applied in other products and are not specifically manufactured for the control of the electric standing desks. Components big in size are used, which require huge quantity of sealant for their support, which is applied unevenly and at poor quality.

Low quality plastic connectors which cannot make a good connection are used to connect the components. Their windings are not wound evenly and at good quality.

Electronics is the heart of the electric height adjustable desk and plays the most important role in the long-term and problem-free desk.

2. Quality of gliders and lifting columns.

The glides are plastic components, which assure two things – fit between the individual segments of the lifting columns and quality lubrication.

To reduce the price, the quality of those plastic components is compromised. This leads to several problems such as rapid wear over time and lubricant remaining on the column. The wear is easily visible over time and leads to gradual decrease in stability. Many of the desks have anti-collision sensors. The wear of the guides leads to difficult movement, activates the sensor and blocks the movement of the standing desks. 

3. Dual motor synchronization.

For a desk to be a good one, two separate motors are needed (each for the two active lifting columns), whose movement is synchronized by a control box. Low-quality standing desks do not provide good synchronization and the two motors are not moving at the same speed. This causes a very unpleasant effect where when the desk is lifted, first one leg is spread out and then the other, leading to a titled desk. Quality desks of European origin have perfect synchronization and flat desk. 

4. Maintaining steady speed of movement.

Electric height-adjustable desks of poor quality tend not to be able to maintain smooth motion and this worsens over time due to the wear on the guides described above. Smooth movement is a main indicator of the quality of the motors, respectively of the desk.

5. Mechanisms lubrication.

Again, due to low-quality glides and overly lubrication between the column segments, grease remains on the outside of the lifting columns, which looks quite unpleasant and needs to be cleaned up. In addition, this grease reduces over time and compromises the good lubrication of the individual segments.

6. Warranty duration and conditions.

You can recognize a low-quality desk by the short warranty period. Three years warranty, even less, is directly alarming for a desk which will create a lot of problems. It is also good to be known that there is a common practice that the merchant offers 5 years, while the manufacturer warranty covers only 3 years. In such cases the merchant assumes the whole risks, which in most cases he fails. Carefully read the warranty terms and ask questions about the origin of the desks and the percentage defective electric desks. The origin of the low-quality desks is unknown, the percentage defective desks is high and 1 out of 5 desks show defects immediately after they are started, and things get worse over time.

Another reason for the resellers of electric desks not to be able to support the warranty is the reason that they don’t work with individual components, but rather complete package, which are supplied directly by the manufacturer. In case there is a single component which showed defect and needs to be replaced, the reseller needs to the separate the package components. Thus, warranty repair of those types of desks is not available, only replacement of components.

These are just some of the common problems of cheap height-adjustable desks. We hope that you are now convinced that it is not worth the stress facing all these problems. The truth is that the quality electric standing desk is not too expensive and it will serve you well for many years.  

What is a standing desk and what types there are?

Standing desk UberDesk Air by BULDESK company

What is a standing desk and what types there are?

Have you heard of ergonomic desks? If not, let’s give you some information about them. The ergonomic desk (or Standing desk, etc.) is a desk designed to read, write or work on a computer while you are standing. It is made in different variations, patterns and styles.

All desks that allow work in the upright position are categorized as “standing” desks. They can be either fixed height (not moving and always high) or adjustable. The former have the disadvantage that they cannot be used in a sitting position. It is very important to change the position between sitting and standing, and vice versa, because if not, some health problems (such as varicose veins) can occur.

Most standard mass-produced desks have a fixed height. What makes adjustable ergonomic desks unique is the fact that they are extremely easy to adjust over a wide range (65 to 130 cm, for example).

Standing desk BULDESK UberDesk Pro height range

The main reason is that the desks adjust to the height of the person both sitting and standing.

UberDesk Pro working standing benefits

There are characteristics that determine whether an ergonomic desk is good enough:

After much research, scientists conclude that ergonomic desks have many benefits for human health and productivity, making them a very good choice for the office. Here are some of them:

Obesity is the result of consuming more calories than you burn. Of course, if it is the opposite, it weakens. Although sport is the most effective method of burning calories quickly, it is not enough if you are used to spending all your working day sitting in a chair. In fact, compared to sitting, the same amount of time spent standing is estimated to burn about 160-170 extra calories (making more than 1000 calories per week!) In the long run, it can affect your weight without the extra the need for exercise.

According to scientists, even an hour of intense training can not compensate for the negative effect of sitting all day. Studies show that using an ergonomic work desk reduces blood sugar levels (mostly after lunch). This leads to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. Another benefit is the improved blood circulation.

Most people who work in an office and spend between 8 and 12 hours sitting finally complaining of low back pain. Several studies conclude that people who start using ergonomic desks experience improvement in low back and neck pain after a 2-week period.

About 87% of people using ergonomic desks say they are less stressed and more energetic. After returning to their old desks, a return to the old state is noticed.

Ergonomic desks are supposed to interfere with daily tasks such as writing and completing documents. Studies have shown that standing has no effect on minute typing or spelling. In fact, keeping in mind that improving mood and energy gives it even more productivity.

Another fact that proves that ergonomic bureaus increase productivity is that standing improves blood circulation and keeps the brain alert. It’s also harder to fall asleep if you’re upright instead of sitting. The reason is simple – you’re constantly on the lookout for what’s going on with your body.

Sitting at the desk leads to missed opportunities for conversations with colleagues or to notice something important is happening. Standing offers more opportunities to talk with colleagues face to face, even for just a few minutes. This improves communication because instead of sending an email to someone, you can talk to him directly.

When in a sitting position, it can take time to get out of the desk in case of emergency or if you just realized you are late for an appointment. Ergonomic desks make things easier and quicker to respond.

Lack of physical activity is a major cause of breast and colon cancer. There is no definite answer as to why this is, but it may be due to the increase in C-reactive protein found in people who sit for long periods.

Many studies show a link between sedentary life and dying earlier. In fact, according to scientists, those who sit most are at a 49% increased risk of premature death than those who sit the least. In conclusion, the more you move, the healthier you are and therefore you will live longer. You can see how many benefits of ergonomic desks are. Don’t you think it’s high time you started using it.

 With the assistance of BULDESK’s ergonomic electric desks

UberDesk Pro happy customers with height adjustable standing desk

What a modern office looks like?

How a modern office looks like and ergonomic desk UberDesk Pro

What a modern office looks like?
Electric standing desks.

Offices are no longer what they were in the past. White walls, white fluorescent lights have been replaced with colored and custom furniture. More and more business executives are embracing the idea of ​​making the office environment creative and well-intentioned. Why is that? The main reason is the fact that a good office environment stimulates productivity and inspires innovation.

Corporate giants like Google, Facebook, and Pixar have been demonstrating the same strategy, and it is certainly profitable!​

UberDesk Pro height adjustable desk

What are the main features that make an office modern?

An office is expected to be attractive, impactful, and make employees feel flexible and relaxed. In this way, they are stimulated to be more productive without even realizing it. If you want to transform your office into a modern office, here are some things to keep in mind:

Why is an investment in ergonomic furniture a good investment? What exactly are the benefits to the business?

Another interesting fact is that one third of office employees would like the company to provide them with ergonomic seats and 82% believe that they will be more productive and concentrated when using them. This is a situation where everyone wins. Employees are happier, more positive and healthy, and companies save money on medical expenses and lost work days, while enjoying a boost because of higher productivity and more positive employees.

Therefore, if you join the revolution of rising desks, you will certainly see how much better you feel and how much more work you can do! Investing in ergonomic furniture is a long-lasting investment – keep in mind! Think about the future development of the company, making the right decisions!

UberDesk Pro standing desks

Employee using electrically adjustable desk